Senior Scholarship Application
High School Senior Scholarships
Scholarship Information

Orange Unified Council of PTAs is pleased to offer a scholarship program for graduating seniors. This scholarship is for continuing education at a four year College or University, a Community College or a Trade/Technical school. This award recognizes the achievements of students for volunteer service in the school and/or community. The amount of each scholarship and the number of scholarships awarded will vary each year.
ELIGIBILITY: Must be a graduating senior enrolled in Orange Unified School District in the current year. The student applying must also be a member of the PTSA at the school of their enrollment no later than March 15th of the current school year. (Please note: Students at non-PTSA schools in the district are not eligible.)
CRITERIA: GPA (2.5 or above) – School Activities – Service to PTSA – Service to Community and/or Work Experience.
About the Scholarship Application
To access the Senior Scholarship Application – Click Here
Important: Review all information below before starting application
Please Note: Form is live March 21st through April 18th
Student Information
Student must complete all sections of the Google Form.
- Part 1: General and Family Information
- Part 2: College/University/Vocational Schools Applied to and/or Accepted
- Part 3: Major and/or Career Objective
- Part 4: School Transcripts
- Part 5: PTSA Membership
- Part 6: Activities Record
- Part 7: Essay (uploaded)
- Part 8: Employment (if any)
- Part 9: Letter of Recommendation
Letter of Recommendation
Someone other than a relative must write a Letter of Recommendation that will help the Scholarship Committee learn more about you.
- Part 9: Letter will be uploaded in the Google Form by student during application process.
School Transcripts will be uploaded by student to the Google Form. Student must provide School Counselors contact information.
- Part 4: Validate Minimum GPA (2.5)
Membership Card will be uploaded from Totem account by Student. Membership must have Students name and member before April 15.
- Part 5: PTSA Membership by April 15th
Part 5 - Need to Join Your PTSA
Student join your PTSA
Canyon High School
- Join PTSA via Totem: Membership Link
El Modena High School
- Join PTSA via Totem: Membership Link
Part 6 - More About Activities
Student include only the activities in which you participated during high school. Please also include only volunteer community and/or school activities, not activities for which you were paid.
Part 7 - About the Essay
Student on a separate sheet of paper, write a short essay, not to exceed one (1) page, about one of your volunteer service experiences. Explain why you chose that particular service, how it has influenced you as an individual, and the ways in which that experience has contributed to your goals. Save to a PDF file and upload.
About The Form
Emailed Copy of Responses will be sent to after the form is submitted. Responses can be edited, so the form does not have to be completed in one sitting. Students applications are completed by Student only. Sections have different requirements, see information above for explanation on what items to collect prior to completing the application.